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Wilton Manors, Florida
Just a middle-aged Peter Pan, who refuses to give up softball, DisneyWorld, and loving life with his partner.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ever since Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination for president, there has been a constant stream of rumors and ruminations surrounding his choice of a vice presidential running mate. Pundits and prognosticators filled the airwaves, espousing the merits of experience over gender, geography over values, age versus youth. At each campaign stop that Senator Obama appeared on stage with another politician elicited whispers of “could it be” him/her? Names were bandied about and passed around like mini quiches at a cocktail party. The list was long…and sometimes impressive.

Now that Joe Biden has been named to play attack dog and loyal soldier to Sen. Obama’s above-the-fray oratorio, I can’t help but think there is a better way to choose a running mate….


Consider this: America continues to be obsessed with Reality TV. Why not provide our voyeuristic and gladiatorial public with another spectacle? I say we round up 12 likely candidates, force them to live together, compete in character challenges (I know, it’s a political oxymoron), and vie for the title of Vice Presidential Candidate. You’d see backroom politics in the flesh as coalitions and alliances form, while two-faced insincerity and back-stabbing raise their ugly heads.

This political extravaganza is sure to provide viewers with insight. And I’m certain that at the reunion show the “fan favorite” will not be in the studio waiting to compete for the finals, because in politics nice guys really do finish last.


Anonymous said...

I think you may have something here. Although it's interesting how much the internet has had a role in this campaign process. I mean, I follow Obama on Twitter! I think voters now, more than ever, are better informed about issues, as I've noted that staunch Obama supporters even aren't thrilled by some of the politics that's been played. Should be quite the election season.

Claire Uncorked said...