About Me

My photo
Wilton Manors, Florida
Just a middle-aged Peter Pan, who refuses to give up softball, DisneyWorld, and loving life with his partner.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Along for the Ride

Life seems to continually present us with challenges: high & lows affect our moods, hairpin turns jolt us in too many directions. The rollercoaster ride keeps pace from birth to death, even to the point of defying gravity and the laws of the universe.

Some of us laugh, some of us cry, some of us scream, and some of us will ride silently (paralyzed by either fear or excitement). Some throw caution to the wind--arms flung high in the air--while more hold on tight until the ride is over.

New job; loss of job. Marriage; divorce; dating; break up. Birth. Death.

Transitions; illuminations; metamorpheses; epiphanies.

How to survive? How to thrive?

Beats the hell out of me...

I'm just here for the ride.

I come to this venue from Yahoo 360: a place where I made some good friends, met my life partner, and unleashed my voice on the world of blogs. My energies for that social networking site have dwindled and ebbed. It is time to move in this new direction.

It is my hope that 360 friends will continue to follow my exploits on this page, as I will continue to follow theirs wherever they may be (if possible).

For now, I welcome readers (new & old) who choose to step inside this rollercoaster.


Susan Ogilvy said...

Good to see your blog continues even if 360 doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you here! I think you'll find that with this new blog, freedom is yours, and you creativity will thrive. I, for one, am totally going to blogroll you. :)

joetalk said...

eeeeeeeek! I'm following you . . . :)

Anonymous said...

rumor has it that an old friend is taking up residence here. While I may not stop by and visit as often as i should, it does not mean that i don't care. I also am trying to think of a possible new home if the condemn 360... but for now, I am continuing to appy coats of paint and appeal to the life and death committees. In the mean time, please accept this hugs as good luck in your new home. Doug aka benknown2

Anonymous said...

I'm here!!! Now I just have to get a freakin' log-in, & one of these days, I'll probably land here, too. That is, IF I ever find the $%^&* time to write something! Gah!!!
