About Me

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Wilton Manors, Florida
Just a middle-aged Peter Pan, who refuses to give up softball, DisneyWorld, and loving life with his partner.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Recipe for a Rant


1 Column of Misinformation
1 Head of Righteous Indignation
1 Bunch of Empty Rhetoric
1 Pile of Anger
Ample amounts of Cynicism and Sarcasm

In large cauldron, combine Misinformation, Righteous Indignation, Empty Rhetoric, and Anger. Raise temperature and bring just to boiling. Season the concoction with a handful of cynicism and a heaping cup of sarcasm. Simmer for 90 minutes or until your emotions boil over. Place on a platter and garnish with Stubborness.
Serves…no one.

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