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Wilton Manors, Florida
Just a middle-aged Peter Pan, who refuses to give up softball, DisneyWorld, and loving life with his partner.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I try not to be overly political on this page, even though I have great interest in the political process and maintain very strong opinions. That being said, I can’t step away from the keyboard without touching on the headlines: Sarah Palin Named GOP Vice Presidential Nominee. At first glance this might seem like a rebirth or reawakening of the Republican Party, just the simple fact that Republican’s have included a woman on the ticket is quite a leap for the good ol’ boy network—just ask Libby Dole.

On closer inspection, we find it is more of the same. Maverick McCain (not to be confused with Tom Cruise in Top Gun) has really done nothing more than pander to the extremist wings of his party. In a few short days, Ms. Palin’s history has shown her to be a creationist who can been seen in videos declaring that the Iraq war is God’s work, while her requests for pork barrel Federal money outdistances every other state in the union (Ted Stevens must be proud).

Sparing readers of the tawdry details of her under-aged daughters pregnancy, this self-identified “hockey mom”—maybe not the best choice of identities, since the father of her soon-to-be grandchild is a high school hockey player—is ardently pro-life, even to the extent of refusing to fund sex education classes that actually teach teenagers about sex rather than abstinence only. Apparently, her daughter missed school the day of the abstinence program.

Governor Palin isn’t the first VP nominee to face mountains of criticism. More than anything, she appears to be the victim of a poor vetting process. Can someone you met twice really be your first choice? She seems to be the last minute sacrificial lamb ala Geraldine Ferraro and Thomas Eagleton (both Democrats for those who keep count of failed VP nominees).

Time will tell if she can handle the pressure of being heartbeats from the presidency, whether she will melt under the scrutiny of the press, or fall victim to Joe Biden in some memorable debate.

Only then will we know if she’s been Quayled.


Thom said...

Is she related to Michael Palin? I wonder because she is pretty damn funny... could it be genetic?

Claire Uncorked said...

Doug & I were sort of on the fence for a bit. There were things about each candidate that we liked & didn't like. We were leaning towards Obama, & then McCain's choice of Palin clinched it. I simply cannot vote for him now. I disagree with her staunch pro-life stance, for one. I really don't know what McCain thinks he accomplished with this one.

[end of political mini-rant]

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she's one of those people who surely would have supported jailing Copernicus because it's obvious that god made the Earth flat, and the sun revolves around the earth, not the other way around.

Nilla said...

I am undecided about her... First impression is that I like her personality, but does she have what it takes. I think McCain is kind of scary...but the same could be said about Obama...whatever, I don't politics usally and I am not going to start now. She is an interesting character and is definately a bright spot in the election race.