- pollen-laden flowers
- sea shells rolling onto shore
- leaves turning color
- clouds in the sky
I still have a child's eye. It hasn't been lost in this darkened attic of adulthood. It remains fresh; sensitive as an iguana's tongue.
Recently, I've noticed something. You see, working in a bank, I handle plenty of money on a daily basis. Take a close look at our paper (or should I say linen) money. The newer engravings of the presidents/officials cast some eerie effects. If you count enough money, you will begin to notice the eyes--they stare back at you. More often than not, it is a benign gaze. But at times, there is a demonic glare looking up, haunting you, taunting you.
Some have said that "money is the root of all evil." I'm not so sure they aren't far from the truth.
I definitely agree, you do have a child's eye. I think that's one of your best qualities, so don't lose it! I try, & do ok, especially when you consider how easily amused I am. =)
Dead Presidents can be creepy...
Yes, it taunts you like it taunts me in my job... we watch it pass through our hands...
Seeing through the eyes of a child is a gift. While I have experienced moments of it, I think I lean more towards the wise-ass overgrown teenager eye... with a mouth to match. But of course, that is one of my more endearing qualities, right?
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