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Wilton Manors, Florida
Just a middle-aged Peter Pan, who refuses to give up softball, DisneyWorld, and loving life with his partner.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Like It or NOT!

"I'm like outside."

So began the inane conversation I overheard while basking in the sun on my lunch break. It baffles me to hear professional people (at least she dressed the part) whose command of the English language has denegrated into the colloquial.

"Yeah, you can like walk down Third and you'll see me."

First, you either are outside...or you're not. Like, as in "kind of," owes no bearing as to whether or not you have made your way into the Great Outdoors. I really don't know when "like" became a sentence structure parasite. Maybe it began with the Great Valley Girl invasion of the '70s.

Sadly, it is now common usage (no matter how much it pisses me off).

Now, if you aksed me, the English language is a thing of beauty.


Anonymous said...

I'm a notorious "like" user. Not really to the extreme, but I certainly do use it, though mostly just for emphasis.

joetalk said...

I think i'm as guilty if not more so than phil . . . don't get caught up in a conversation with me when I'm excited! That's when I'm really bad about using 'like'.