About Me

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Wilton Manors, Florida
Just a middle-aged Peter Pan, who refuses to give up softball, DisneyWorld, and loving life with his partner.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What's Missing in Toronto?...Me!

Toronto? You must be shaking your head wondering just what the hell this boy from South Florida is talking about. Let me explain.

You see, I'm sending my Blue Ice softball team north of the border for the Independence Day weekend. There is this super fun softball tournament in Toronto that weekend, so the team decided to brave the cold (hey, it will probably be what?...80 degrees? or whatever it is in celsius) and see what all the the fun is about. Two of our guys went last year and had the time of their lives.

Now to the sad part of the story. I can't go! This is probably the only out-of-town tournament that I really want to take part in and I can't go. There wasn't even the slightest chance that I could go. No, it isn't that I don't have the vacation time & it isn't the money. The thing that is keeping me here is family.

My mom will be celebrating her 80th birthday on July 3rd. In honor of that occasion, the entire family will be congregating on Fort Myers beach, where we have rented a beach house for the week. Family will be arriving from Tennessee, Illinois, Arizona, and various parts of Florida to enjoy each others company, frolic in the water, play games of all sorts, and eat & drink ourselves silly.

We did the same thing for her 75th and everyone agreed it was the perfect way to celebrate. Since then, we have lost one member of the family and gained three (including my Thom). Reminiscing will be at a premium. Catching up will take hours. All in the easy going manner that is the hallmark of my family. It will also be the first time they get to meet Thom, except for my mom and one brother (but more on that another time).

So, for very good reason, I will miss out on one helluva time. I will lose out on the opportunity to meet one of my favorite bloggers/softball players who happens to live in Toronto. C'est la vie!

But John/Jainey/Jeepers...I do expect you to give my Blue Ice team the royal treatment while they are in town. I know how much you like to show off the very best of Toronto and play tour guide.


marie said...

They're going to love Canada Cup.

I'm sorry we won't have an opportunity to see you here but you have a wonderful excuse.

Jainey will be so sad.

Blue Ice Dave said...

Marie, meeting you both would have been the highlight for the weekend. Softball would have been secondary.

Claire Uncorked said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you won't be able to go to the tournament! However, it sounds like you've got a fabulous week lined up, & I know that will mean so much to you, your mom, & Thom.

Kick some ass, Blue Ice!

jainey said...

well, due to some rating fiasco, i might not be playing (yes, that whole routine again) but i'll totally be at the fields with my Playmates being an ambassador (like I'd be sitting at home, REALLY.)

i'll make it more of a point to head down to FTL for thanksgiving this year...i swear.